Sunday, February 24, 2013

Transfer Music / Mp3 files to iPhone / iPad without iTunes

Yes , you read it right. You don't need iTunes always to transfer music or videos to your own iPhone or iPad.  But For this, you need to have your device Jailbroken. Jailbroken means FREEDOM from APPLE. You can do or install with your device whatever you wish you to do.
SO, firstly you need to JAILBREAK your device. There are lots of software which can do that very easily like:

  • Redsn0w
  • Evasi0n
  • Blackra1n
There are more just google yourself and you will find complete guides to jailbreak your device.

Now you need a pair of software. One on your iDevice and second one on your PC. Here is the list:

  1. MewSeek on your iDevice
  2. iFunBox on your PC / MAC
MewSeek is available in Cydia
i-FunBox can be downloaded from

Firstly, you have to transfer music files using i-funbox.
Open i-funbox , and using Raw File System and browse to /var/Mobile/Media/Downloads
and transfer your files here.

Then on your iDevice, open MewSeek. Then open Download Tab. You will see all the music files, you transferred to /var/mobile/media/downloads. Now select all the files and Select Import all option in MewSeek. Your all songs will be automatically added to Music Library.
To verify that all songs are imported successfully, just open Music Player and check Songs list.

That's It.

BP Profile as Homepage version 1.1 - updated for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1

After pointing out by John Clause, I have just updated the plugin for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1. Now enjoy the facebook function...