Monday, January 19, 2015

BP Profile as Homepage version 1.1 - updated for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1

After pointing out by John Clause, I have just updated the plugin for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1.

Now enjoy the facebook functionality with Social Networking of Buddypress in Wordpress.

The people who are new to Buddypress and my plugin "BP Profile as Homepage", here is the little introduction to my plugin: -
 If you want FACEBOOK like functionality for your buddypress installation where Homepage for Vistiors is different than Logged in users, you should try this plugin. This plugin performs following tasks:

** when user log into your website, user is redirected to his/her profile.
** when user try to move to homepage, user is redirected to his/her profile.
** when user logs out of your website, user is redirected to homepage of the website.

because once users are logged in, there is no need to appeal them to register,so they shouldn't be sent their again.
Now you can select the user role, who can view the homepage. Roles which can be selected;
None:- Nobody is allowed to view homepage
Administrators:- Only users with the role 'administrator' can view the homepage
Editors:- Only users with the role 'editor' can view the homepage
Authors:- Only users with the role 'author' can view the homepage
Contributors:- Only users with the role 'contributor' can view the homepage
Subscribers:- Only users with the role 'subscriber' can view the homepage

This plugin is successfully tested with Wordpress 4.1 and buddypress 2.1.1

== Installation ==

1. Upload `bp-profile-as-homepage` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Under settings, from BP Profile as Homepage settings, you can select the user role who can view default, no one is allowed to view the homepage.

Click here to Download Version 1.1

BP Profile as Homepage version 1.1 - updated for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1

After pointing out by John Clause, I have just updated the plugin for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1. Now enjoy the facebook function...