Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Zealand PM's website Hacked

WELLINGTON: The hacktivist group Anonymous on Tuesday briefly crashed New Zealand Prime Minister John Key's website in protest at plans to allow the country's intelligence agency to spy on local residents.

A group identifying itself as Anonymous NZ posted a clip on YouTube saying it had attacked Key's website and 12 others linked to the ruling National Party to show its opposition to "a despicable piece of legislation."

"John Key make no mistake the majority of New Zealanders oppose this bill," it said.

"Due to your own arrogance and your unwillingness to listen to the people we have decided to take direct action."

Key's website was operating normally by Tuesday afternoon and the prime minister condemned the hackers.

"(It's) pretty juvenile behaviour in my view," he told Radio New Zealand. "These people are obviously doing something that's both illegal and inappropriate. They're trying to make their own political point, but their point's wrong."

New Zealand's intelligence service, the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB), is currently barred from spying on New Zealand citizens or residents.

Key argues the restriction should be removed so it can cooperate more closely with agencies such as the police and military in an increasingly complex cybersecurity environment.

The bill is currently before parliament and expected to pass by a single vote, although groups ranging from the Law Society to internet giants Facebook and Google have raised concerns about the proposal.
Click here to read complete article

Indian develops technology to make software unhackable

WASHINGTON: A unique system has been designed by researchers that will encrypt software in order to make it impervious to reverse-engineering.

UCLA computer science professor Amit Sahaiand a team of researchers have developed a system which will only allow someone to use a programme as intended, while preventing any deciphering of the code behind it.

This is known as software obfuscation in computer science and it is the first time it has been accomplished.

Sahai said that the new system puts up an iron wall making it impossible for an adversary to reverse-engineer the software without solving mathematical problems that take hundreds of years to work out on today's computers.

Click here to read original ARTICLE

Save your Privacy on Facebook

With the latest addition of the Graph Search to social networking site Facebook, it has become time consuming and cumbersome to customize settings for every post and each photograph. 

 According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a few quick clicks here and there can help restore a profile to being less vulnerable to public access, including photographs and posts. 

 To limit the way people in the friends list access the content one can simply select Friends under the 'Who can see my stuff' section in the privacy settings and further put them in the Restricted category so as to allow them access to only those posts which are made public. 

 Furthermore, to save oneself from being seen in those old embarrassing photographs, a user can simply click on the Activity Log, then 'photos of me' and on the top of the page one can customize 'On Timeline' visible settings which allows for bulk-untag. 

 To review the customized settings, a user can choose to view their own profile as a particular person or to public by clicking on View As in the Activity Log section, the report added.

Presentations in PDF Format on General Topics - Set 11

Presentations in PDF Format on General Topics - Set 10

  1. Presentation on MobilePhonesBeyondCallsAndSMS - PDF Format
  2. Presentation on MobileRouters - PDF Format
  3. Presentation on Motherboard - PDF Format
  4. Presentation on MS_Excel2007 - PDF Format
  5. Presentation on MS_Windows_v2 - PDF Format
  6. Presentation on MS_Word2007 - PDF Format
  7. Presentation on MS_Word_2007 - PDF Format
  8. Presentation on Netbook_vs_Laptop - PDF Format
  9. Presentation on OfficeAutomation - PDF Format
  10. Presentation on RAID - PDF Format

Presentations in PDF Format on General Topics - Set 9

  1. Presentation on DiscussionBoards - PDF Format
  2. Presentation on FileCompression - PDF Format
  3. Presentation on FileCompressionTechniques - PDF Format
  4. Presentation on Gadgets - PDF Format
  5. Presentation on GamingConsole - PDF Format
  6. Presentation on GreenComputing - PDF Format
  7. Presentation on HandheldDevices - PDF Format
  8. Presentation on IntrusionDetectionSystem - PDF Format
  9. Presentation on LaserTechnology - PDF Format
  10. Presentation on Meego - PDF Format

Presentations in PDF Format on General Topics - Set 8

  1. Presentation on Bluray - PDF Format
  2. Presentation on Cloud_Computing_1 - PDF Format
  3. Presentation on Cloud_Computing_2 - PDF Format
  4. Presentation on Cloud_Computing_3 - PDF Format
  5. Presentation on Cloud_Computing_4 - PDF Format
  6. Presentation on Cloud_Computing_5 - PDF Format
  7. Presentation on ComputerVirus - PDF Format
  8. Presentation on ContentManagementSystem - PDF Format
  9. Presentation on CyberCrime - PDF Format
  10. Presentation on DefendingDistributedSystemsAgainstMaliciousIntrusionsAndNetworkAnomalies - PDF Format

BP Profile as Homepage version 1.1 - updated for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1

After pointing out by John Clause, I have just updated the plugin for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1. Now enjoy the facebook function...