Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wordpress BuddyPress Login Redirect

This plugin gives an option to Buddypress based website owners to decide that where their users should be redirected after the login. 
Currently users can be redirected to 3 different locations after login. 
1. Personal Profile / Personal Activity Page 
2. Site wide Activity 
3. Friends' Activity

By default, this plugin will redirect the users to their friends' activity page after login.

Download version 2.0 (tested with wordpress 3.x)

Wordpress Schedule Your Content - in Posts or Pages

Now No Need to Schedule Multiple Posts or Pages. Just Create One Post or Page, and Schedule the Content of Post or Page whichever way you like.

Schedule your content plugin can help you in showing content within your wordpress blog for a specific period. You can decide when to start showing content and when to stop showing content. This plugin uses shortcodes which can be written within the post content or page content or in text widget also. This plugin uses 4 parameters to schedule your content. shortcode: [scheduler] Here is your content[/scheduler] Parameters: start_date, start_time, end_date, end_time
Date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format and time must be in 24-hour format.
  • Here is the simple example where you schedule your content for specific period:
[scheduler start_date='2012-05-13' start_time='06:30' end_date='2012-06-13' end_time='09:30'] This is scheduled Content. [/scheduler]
  • Here is the example where you want to schedule your content daily within 9am to 10am.
[scheduler start_date='' start_time='09:00' end_date='' end_time='10:00'] This is scheduled Content. [/scheduler]
  • Here is the example when you want your content should be expired on specific date and time.
[scheduler start_date='' start_time='' end_date='2012-05-16' end_time='10:00'] This is scheduled Content. [/scheduler]
  • Here is the example when you want to start showing your content on specific date and time and do not want it to be expired.
[scheduler start_date='2012-05-12' start_time='10:00' end_date='2099-05-16' end_time=''] This is scheduled Content. [/scheduler]


Wordpress Force Post Title - No more untitled posts

This is a simple plugin which is designed to help the posters who some times forget to write the post title. 
Once activated, this plugin will force the users to give post title while adding new post to wordpress site. 

Whenever User tries to publish a post without giving title, it will give an alert to the user and also highlight the title area so that user can see where to write the post title.

I have tested this plugin with wordpress 3.3.1 and it works fine. It should work with older versions of wordpress also.

Installation Process

  1. Upload force-post-title folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. That's it.



Wordpress Force Post Category Selection - No More Uncategorized Posts

This is a simple plugin which is designed to help the posters who some times forget to select the post category and post is published under default category. 

Once activated, this plugin will force the users to select post category while adding new post to wordpress site. Whenever User tries to publish a post without selecting category, it will give an alert to the user and also highlight the category selection area so that user can see from where to select the post category. 

Moreover, If poster hasn't selected the category while clicking on publish button, it will save the post as draft under default, so no need to worry about loosing the post content in any case due to this plugin. 

I have tested this plugin with wordpress 3.3.1 and it works fine. It should work with older versions of wordpress also.

Installation Process

  1. Upload force-post-category-selection folder to the /wp-content/plugins/directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. That's it.


Plugin in Action - Showing Alert to User for selecting Category of POST


Wordpress Auto Generate Title -- Save Time, generates Post Titles Automatically

This plugin generates POST Title from POST content automatically. Sometimes, you forget to write the title or sometimes you don't want to write the title. It will generate the title for you. Or you can select a statement from your post content to be a title for the post using shortcodes [agt][/agt].
How does it work? If you leave the title field empty, only then this plugin will work. There are two different ways, this plugin works: - * Firstly it will search the content to check whether you have used [agt][/agt]shortcode or not. If used, it will make the wrapped line as title. * If you haven't used shortcode in your post, it will automatically pick first 30 characters from the post and will use them as post title.
Currently this plugin is tested with latest wordpress version 3.4.2, but it should work with other versions also.
Installation Process
  1. Download the Auto Generate Title plugin and extract the "agt" folder.
  2. Upload agt folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. That's it. There is no further options page.


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Most Awaiting iOS 7 Compatibility

After Apple, now hacked

Last week, on thursday, Apple Developer website was intruded. Apple informed via email to its members that

" Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal information was encrypted and cannot be accessed, however, we have not been able to rule out the possibility that some developers’ names, mailing addresses, and/or email addresses may have been accessed. In the spirit of transparency, we want to inform you of the issue. We took the site down immediately on Thursday and have been working around the clock since then.
In order to prevent a security threat like this from happening again, we’re completely overhauling our developer systems, updating our server software, and rebuilding our entire database. We apologize for the significant inconvenience that our downtime has caused you and we expect to have the developer website up again soon."
This week, it was the turn of very populor forums among Ubuntu users, one of the largest user community, Today morning, administrators informed its members via email 

You are receiving this message because you have an account registered with this address on

The Ubuntu forums software was compromised by an external attacker. As a result, the attacker has gained access to read your username, email address and an encrypted copy of your password from the forum database.

If you have used this password and email address to authenticate at any other website, you are urged to reset the password on those accounts immediately as the attacker may be able to use the compromised personal information to access these other accounts. It is important to have a distinct password for different accounts.

The website is currently offline and we are working to restore this service. Please take the time to change account password when service is restored.

We apologize for any inconvenience to the Ubuntu community, thank you for your understanding.

The Canonical Sysadmins. "

Hackers are super active now a days....... Beware webmasters...!!!!!!

BP Profile as Homepage version 1.1 - updated for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1

After pointing out by John Clause, I have just updated the plugin for Wordpress 4.1 and Buddypress 2.1.1. Now enjoy the facebook function...